As an employer do you have the right key ingredients to capture the interest of the best software development talent?

Aug 4, 2021

The jobs market in technology has remained strong throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to gain in strength. Increased confidence has seen tech sector firms hire employees at the fastest pace in the sector for nearly two years. (Source: The KPMG quarterly Tech Monitor Q1 2021)

Software developers are among the most in-demand workers in a vibrant tech market. This gives them lots of options, meaning employers are facing intense competition for talent. Businesses are increasingly under pressure to have the right ‘ingredients’ to attract (and retain) the best talent.

Software developers are already a unique ‘breed’ of worker with different views and motivations that drive their job attraction and fulfilment. But the market continues to change, candidates are asking different questions now than they were pre-pandemic. What once was a priority for the job seeking software developer is now changing.

So how can you make sure you attract and secure the good talent?

Culture, flexibility and business environment

Workplace flexibility and the right company culture fit are proving to far outweigh salary and benefits, or even career advancement opportunities, to those considering a new role right now.

Many software developers are looking to work for businesses that have the right culture and value proposition that aligns with their own values and life; an employer who demonstrates flexibility and an openness to working differently. Businesses – small and large – are needing to differentiate themselves by creating environments and opportunities that draw talent to them.

It’s not about the money first and foremost.
Software developers want to work on innovative projects with leading technology and in roles that provide creative stimulation and opportunities for intellectual challenge and growth.


Given the market is candidate-driven it’s likely they’ll be talking to more than one prospective employer so it’s important to be empathetic, open and honest to help build trust and align expectations on both sides.


Software developers are in high demand so we encourage you to plan ahead. Be prepared to ensure the process is well timed and you know what the end offer and package looks like. Don’t miss out to the competition in the final stages because your hiring process is too long.

How we can help

At Grace May one of our first steps is to help our clients create an attractive value proposition, from an in-depth understanding of the business needs and the desires of the candidates.

We’ve successfully placed an extensive number of software related roles at all levels within the last 6 months ranging from development managers, quality assurance, front end and back end developers. Our consultative approach is designed to support businesses to build and retain great teams over the years.

We’re always here for advice and support to guide you with your recruitment strategy, planning and any challenges you’re encountering. We’re happy to sit down with you and talk through how we can help attract and secure software development talent for your business, so please feel free to reach out and contact us.

Personally, I think this is a hugely exciting time, particularly in the thriving tech sector. Both employers and candidates will need to embrace change and be flexible, and we’re certainly seeing that happen.

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