How to Prepare For Video Interviews

Jan 12, 2021

Given the impact of COVID-19 and the current calls for social distancing, we have been helping organise interviews virtually.

Whether you’re an old hand with years of traditional interviewing experience, or this is your first time on the job market, video interviews don’t have to be stressful. Here are eight video interviewing tips that will help you perform well.

1. Test your technology

A few days before the interview, do a technical trial run to make sure your equipment is working correctly. Download any apps or plugins you’ll need. Whether you’re using Skype for Business or another video platform, make sure you have a username that’s professional, just as you would with your email address or social media handle. Check that your computer’s camera, microphone and internet connection are working.

2. Charge your Device

If you’re using a laptop or tablet, make sure it’s fully charged on the day of the interview. And pick a spot that has strong Wi-Fi. Try to use a laptop rather than a tablet or your phone.

3. Dress Professionally

Dress as you would for an in-person interview with that company so either smart or smart casual if that is the culture as is common in some Tech firms (ask one of the Grace May team and we will advise) Avoid wearing bright, flashy colours and choose something that looks neatly pressed while you’re sitting down.

4. Choose a calm Interview area

Choose a location that’s free from the distractions of children or pets. Hang a sign on the door asking package deliverers not to ring the doorbell.

Make sure the background is free from clutter Set up lighting that’s bright but not glaring, illuminating your face from the front. Natural light is best.

Turn off email, text and social media alerts, software updates and other notifications that may show up on the screen during the interview. Turn off programs that might interfere and close browser tabs.

5. Be a well-prepared

Log in five minutes early so you can be calm when the video interview begins. Print out your resume and have it nearby, along with the job description and any speaking points you want to hit or notes you’ve taken about the company or position. Try not to read from the pages, relax and be yourself

6. Maintain good eye contact and body language

It’s easier for your eyes to wander when the person you’re talking to is not in the room. Maintain “eye contact” by trying to look into the camera instead of at the screen or at your own photo. Make sure your face is centered and try not to move around. Keep good posture, sitting with your back straight, feet on the ground and arms resting in your lap or on the desk.

7. Project and pause

Project your voice. Check your volume controls and speak clearly so the microphone picks up your voice and the interviewer doesn’t have to strain to hear you. And remember that digital connections can sometimes be delayed. To avoid talking over the interviewer or having your first few words cut out, let the interviewer finish the question and then pause for a few seconds before delivering your answer.

8. Close the video interview by sharing your appreciation

Just as you would with any interview, thank the interviewer for the opportunity and their time

All the best and let us know how you get on.

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