How to handle competence based interview

How to handle competence based interview

What are competency-based interviews? A competency-based interview is made up of a series of behavioural questions. You will typically be asked to describe past situations and explain how you handled them in order to demonstrate your abilities relating to the role...
Aberdeen Office for ‘Grace May’

Aberdeen Office for ‘Grace May’

In May 2019 Grace May set up a base in Aberdeen where we provide IT & Digital Recruitment services. See below for a recent Article in Oil and Gas vision:- Sasha Jaypalan, Founder of Grace May, an IT and Digital Recruitment business is back in Aberdeen to stay...
Another happy client!!

Another happy client!!

We work with a select number of clients and we are always grateful for them using our services. Wonderful to get this picture with a thank you message sent in. We noticed that 3 cakes had gone within 2 minutes!!!! Enjoy & thanks again.
Happy in your job – Stay where you are

Happy in your job – Stay where you are

When we consult individuals it is really important to understand why they are looking for a new job. The most common reasons I hear are: – There is no progression in my present role – I don’t get on with my manager – My salary is not sufficient These...