Happy in your job - Stay where you are
February 15, 2021
When we consult individuals it is really important to understand why they are looking for a new job. The most common reasons I hear are:
- There is no progression in my present role
- I don’t get on with my manager
- My salary is not sufficient
These are all valid reasons and I think we can all relate to being frustrated by at least one of these at some point in our career.
There may come a time when you start looking for the sake of looking, maybe a colleague has recently moved on or has been justifiably promoted. This has got you thinking, questioning and before you know it you are signing up to job websites.
I will often ask individuals who are ‘Just Looking To See What’s Out There’ “Are You Happy In Your Job?” and if the answer is Yes my advice is “Stay Where You Are”. By applying the brakes this gives my candidates a chance to reflect and think deeper – is there really a greater driver for change? It is important to understand what your driver for change is, a similar role with a slightly better package is not a driver however tempting.
A move for the wrong reason often results in a period of instability where a number of job changes may follow trying to rediscover what was once had.
Candidates are often surprised with this approach from a recruitment firm and I was once questioned with how good I was at my job. Trust is key in the way we work and it is imperative to provide an objective view. The majority of individuals we deal with love the way we work and we value the long term relationships and trust we develop.
In the future when there is likely to be a driver for a job change, it will be right for the candidate, the new employer (Our Client) will have a great addition who is committed with clear direction. This is also one of the reasons we have an excellent retention record and pride our selves with placing the right candidates first time.